We are delighted to have yet again passed the Visit Scotland Taste Our Best accreditation at The Scottish Cafe & Restaurant.
We are so proud. It is such a treat for the team to be recognised for their hard work.

Date of Visit:
Starter: Pigeon Breast on Sourdough crostine
Main Course:Roasted pork belly
Sweet/Pastry:Fruit scone
Beverages/sundries:Coke and coffee
Grading: Pass
Overall Quality Score: 74 / 95 – 77% Scottish Provenance – Sourcing: 90% Scottish Provenance – Promoting: 90%
Overview of Assessment:
Having arrived without a booking, I was immediately welcomed, having only waited for a few seconds for attention, then shown to a table, Diana shortly afterwards, taking an initial drink order. When the drinks arrived, they were part poured. We were given sufficient time to make our decision on our order, and when Diana took the order, she could not have been more helpful in liaising with the kitchen to ensure that the meal chosen complied with my wife`s complicated dietary needs. Service throughout the meal was calm and efficient, with several quality checks. Observing the restaurant, I noticed all diners receiving similar attention. I liked it that when dishes were served, staff found time for a brief chat, which helped to create a really family friendly atmosphere. The meal was of very high quality, served in very pleasant surroundings. From your web site, and the menu, you clearly are an excellent promoter of Scottish produce, I especially liked the map within the restaurant, and on the back of the menu. I am delighted therefore, to confirm that you have again retained your Taste our Best award, and will, in due course, receive a certificate and new logo (2018/19) for you to use in your marketing, your menus, and social media outlets. Congratulations to all of the team for achieving this award again.
Scottish Provenance
Customer facing bar and waiting staff demonstrate knowledge of Scottish produce and menu dishes compilation. Yes
Demonstrates menu dishes are changed to reflect seasonality of produce ingredients (minimum twice a year)% of menu items including Scottish produce 90% Yes
Scottish produce included in minimum of 40% of the menu and identifiable by the consumer: % of menu including Scottish produce as identifiable by the consumer 90%
Feedback and advice: Your promotion of Scottish produce is excellent: it features strongly on you web site, on your menus, and on the map within the restaurant. Your score of 90% is exceptional, making you stand out as a real beacon for Scottish food and drink. Well done.
Serving Skills
Booking (where applicable)N/A
Hospitality and friendliness4 / 5
Service and efficiency5 / 5
Total 9 / 10 = 90%
Feedback and advice:
Having arrived without a booking, we only waited for a few seconds before we were led to a suitable table. I have to thank Diana for the excellent service she gave us throughout the meal: my wife`s complex diet needs take some handling, but Diana could not have been more helpful in organising this, and for checking throughout the meal, that everything was OK. It was also good that whenever she came to the table, she had time for a few friendly words. It was helpful to be advised that my main course (pork) would take a little longer to cook, though it did arrive within a minute or so later. Service throughout the meal was timely and efficient, and drinks were part poured. The bill, when requested, was quickly presented, and correct
Variety and Choice 4 / 5
Menu Appearance 4 / 5
Total 8 / 10 = 80%
Feedback and advice: Your menu offers a good range to suit most requirements, with the lunch menu, sandwiches, Scottish favourites and soup. The menu itself, is clean and clear, and easily understood. I am sure the map, on the back of the menu, would be of interest to your many varied visitors.
Quality of Main Ingredients, Sauce and Accompaniments 4 / 5
Appearance / Presentation 4 / 5
Culinary Skills (inc. serving temperature) 4 / 5
Starter total 12 / 12 = 80%
Course Quality of Main Ingredients, Sauce and Accompaniments5 / 5
Appearance / Presentation 4 / 5
Culinary Skills (inc. serving temperature)4 / 5
Main Total 13 / 15 = 86%
Quality of Main Ingredients, Sauce and Accompaniments 4 / 5
Appearance / Presentation 3 / 5
Culinary Skills (inc. serving temperature) 3 / 5
Sweet Total 10 / 15 = 66%
Feedback and advice:
Stater:- A colourful and appetising presentation, with the pigeon sitting on top of the mushrooms and crostini. The pigeon was good quality, and really well cooked, retaining colour and succulence. I thought it worked well with the mushrooms. Mains:- Another presentation with plenty of colour from the meat, the vegetables and the puree. The pork was of excellent quality, and very well cooked to remove most of the fat, and leaving a slightly crisp skin. The carrot could have done with more bite, the broccoli slightly less, but that did not detract from their enjoyment. The addition of the puree added richness and complementary flavours to the pork. A well thought out and assembled dish. Dessert:- A fruit scone, which you normally serve with the choice of jam, butter and cream. Diana was quite surprised that I did not want the jam, telling me it was home made and excellent! The scone was tasty with a good amount of fruit. It was though, very slightly dry.
Alcohol / Non-Alcoholic Beverages / Sundries Range and variety within
Beverages / Sundries 4 / 5
Presentation and Service 3 / 5
Quality (inc. serving temperature) 3 / 5
Beverage Total 10 / 15 = 66%
Feedback and advice:
You have a good wine list, which offers a modest range of wines, though they are available by the glass, and reasonably priced. It was good to see the wide range of Scottish drinks on the menu, ranging from whiskies and gins, through beers, ciders and soft drinks. My coke was suitably cold, served with ice, and part poured. The coffee was rich and strong, and served with a crisp shortbread biscuit. I was particularly drawn to the notice that both soya and almond milk were available, though we were told that on the day, you were out of almond. This is an excellent touch given the increasing popularity of these products.
Cleanliness and Maintenance
Public Areas (communal areas encountered during food and drink 4 / 5
Dining Room / Restaurant / Eating Venue 4 / 5
Dining Room / Restaurant / Public Toilets 4 / 5
Total 12 / 15 = 80%
Feedback and advice:
The premises look in first class order, they were tidy and clean, with no evident signs of wear and tear. The toilets were spotless, fresh and well stocked.