Good morning lovely people
There is no room at the inn, the stables or the police station, but it’s warm and cosy in all our venues for the last shift before Christmas. Victor and No 1 son are currently out delivering Contini at Home. A busy end to the first part of the festive season.
I hope 2023 has brought you happiness. I know for many it’s not been easy. I said to our accountant Emma that I wanted an easier life, she brilliantly said “You joined the wrong queue.” Love it. What comes our way we deal with. Taking the good with the bad.
Are you ready for tomorrow? The girls will be making the homemade pasta shortly, delicious St Brides turkey will be stuffed and Nonna G is on Christmas pudding duty. Because it’s all about the pudding. We’ll be eating less than normal, no room for indigestion at our Christmas table.
The business has ended this year stronger than we started, thanks to hard work, good weather and lots of lovely visitors. It’s luck in part that we run our business in Edinburgh. What an amazing city to live and work in. Scotland is beautiful and our international visitors keep us topped up. However not every region has had an easy journey. The budget announcements, while supported by many, are a concern for most of the commercial community. There is no room in these calculations to fix so much that is broken and the estimated £60m additional tax raised will not fill the huge gap. Public spending in Scotland amounts to 50% of GDP. 11.7% of Scottish adults will contribute 65% of the total income tax take this year. That’s a lot of pressure on a small number of people. Maintaining a competitive edge is vital. We’ve lost out to England on many fronts in the past, let’s hope we don’t lose on tax too.
There are many challenges we all have to deal with. Health, work, relationships and many carry worries that are never visible. I hope you are able to share them, we’re here if you need to chat. With the help of an amazing team and you, our lovely customers we get through. Hospitality is a special place, where special people share happy and sometimes sad times. Our sector provides a very important function for our community as well as the economy. Next year will present new hurdles and hoops that will be difficult for many. We’re here, keeping the lights and heating on, thanks to your support.
We have much to be grateful for and next year we have much to celebrate. Cannonball is 10, Contini George Street (centotre) is 20 and Victor has stayed married to me for 30 years. A miracle in itself. Thank you.
Brian Cox brilliantly signed off Newsnight as Logan Roy. You may get the wrong impression if I did the same. Victor, the team, our family, Mr Rocco and I wish you all a very happy, healthy and joyous Christmas and New Year.
Your presence supporting us is the best present we receive each year. Thank you most sincerely.
Sending a big hug to you all.