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Hands Up

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Good morning lovely people,

Happy New Year.

My new year’s resolution is to pay off our Covid loan. That aside, January for most is reviewing how we can improve this year. The pressure to be better year on year in business feels like climbing Mount Everest yet again, but as human beings, there is always room to grow.

One word that I’ve thought about more than usual is ‘trust’. The people Victor and I rely on the most are individuals in our company, consultants and family members that we trust completely. I’ve thought about the people in our past lives where trust has been broken.  Who let who down first?  Was there a lack of mutual values to start or did miscommunication end up feeling like malintent? Maybe reviewing this should be my resolution.

The definition of trust is a firm reliability, truth or ability of someone or something.

Watching Mr Bates v The Post Office and the staggering lack of ‘truth’ that has existed causing such unmeasurable pain to individuals and families has shocked the country. Lives have been lost and families devastated. How could any business (especially one where the British Government was the sole shareholder) or those within the organisation watch and allow this to happen? What happened to all the money that was wrongly charged to these honest people? That’s a lot of loans that must be paid off, never mind fair and honest compensation.

Covering up the truth seems to have been permitted. Has life become so complicated that people can no longer understand what the truth is or has greed taken over. Why can’t “sorry, I made a mistake” or “I think we have a problem” be good practice.  Fear, pride, greed or just corruption. Do we see honesty and telling the truth a weakness? How unscrupulous to accept rewards knowing hurt was caused or worse being culpable.

According to their own messaging, the Post Office was the “Nation’s Most Trusted Brand”.  With a General Election heading our way in 2024 we’re going to hear a lot of people telling us we can trust their brand. I can’t believe they will be telling the truth.

Wishing you all health, happiness, a room full of people you trust and time to enjoy the view however far you manage to climb.


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