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Carina in print – Daily Record

Carina in print - Daily Record | Contini

Carina writes a weekly cake column for the Daily Record. Buy it every Monday or check our blog for the recipe. In addition you can sample the weekly cake at our fabulous Scottish Cafe & Restaurant at the Scottish National Gallery.


There are times when all that is needed is a little cup of tea and a delicious slice of old fashioned fruit cake. The perfect way to spend an afternoon. This cake always tastes better a day later and lasts very well if wrapped in grease proof paper and stored in a cake tin.

225g sultanas
100g raisins
100g currants
175g dark brown sugar
150ml earl grey tea
Grated zest of one orange
1 egg
225g self raising flour


  1. Soak the dried fruit in the hot tea over night with the orange zest.
  2. Beat the egg until light and fluffy and then add a spoonful of flour and a spoonful of fruit until all the mixture is incorporated.
  3. Transfer to a 1 kilo lined loaf tin. Bake at Gas mark 3 for 1 hour 30 minutes until cooked.

I always cover the cake half way through with a sheet of baking paper to stop it getting too dark

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