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Working with Schools

Working with Schools | Contini

We were recently delighted to host a local school trip at the Scottish Cafe & Restaurant.

The P5/6 and P6 topic this term is “Inter-railing Around Europe” and aspart of their project they are learning about different European cuisines. The two classes came to see our restaurant to learn a bit more about food from a different country. Our executive chef Suzanne was delighted to host them and told them all about not only our Scottish restaurants but also our Italian heritage and Contini George Street.The children were so lovely and really keen to hear our story.

“A huge thank you to all members of the Contini team for organising a fantastic visit for P5/6 and P6 from Stockbridge Primary School. Our classes have been learning all about different countries in Europe and Contini invited us to take part in a brilliant work shop. The children had the opportunity to learn about the importance of locality, heritage and sustainability when preparing food. We loved meeting an Italian chef who explained how food choices have changed over the years. We were particularly impressed by the gold sustainability award Contini had recently won and all wanted a turn of holding the trophy. Thank you Contini for providing our pupils will a valuable, engaging and meaningful learning experience that they will never forget”. Mrs Emily Govan and Miss Jennifer McMillen

Images posted with approval from the School

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