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What’s the future for the successor?


Good morning lovely people,

I saw a tiny little bit of myself in some of the members of the Roy family mannerisms (not means) and their entourage. Bossy, impatient, vulnerable, capricious and that’s me on a good day. Last Monday’s episode, critically hailed as the best to date, showed the fragility of Logan’s children at a whole different level. Something the little child in all of us, at any age, can identify with.

We were late to the Succession party, only catching up over the Easter holiday.  In the past we would have been in Italy in April but Mr Rocco has us at home with all our children, no complaints. Nonna G is in Italy with her No 1 son, that’s a holiday in itself.

We have been looking at campervans, as a holiday alternative not for campaigning.  Maybe we’ll get a cheap, very plush one on WeBuyAnyCar?  Victor’s not convinced I’m campervan material but with a dog how else do you get away?  Putting Rocco in a kennel would be like leaving one of our family in prison, unlike Logan, we couldn’t decide.

We’re all a mix of good, bad and ugly.  Even Logan has some good in there but as my Aunt Triesta would say, “Who wants to dig that deep?”.

It’s been three years almost to the day that I started these emails.  I’m more subdued but more content than I was then.  The pandemic has changed most of the people I know, even in the most subtle of ways.  What I feel has changed for society the most is how we observe those paid to govern us.

The discussion around Pandemic v Brexit is just a coincidence.  The Brexit mentality has always been there, it’s no surprise how this worst possible nationalist version of independence panned out.  What’s clear is how we’re been managed politically, observing almost in slow motion. It’s a bit like watching episodes of any great TV show on catch up. You never really know 100% what’s going on, only over time does the story become slightly clearer.

I was far more accepting before, naivety is a blessing. I’m far more sceptical now.  With freedoms removed many of us are now scrutinising and most of us aren’t liking what we’re seeing.  Is it all just like Logan’s basic instincts, all only for control?  Decisions they say, good or bad, deemed to serve the NHS’s health and wellbeing.  Now we’re seeing the NHS respond with more strikes, they’re scrutinising more now too.

I’m a campervan voter for sure, I move around with no fixed mooring. Yes I’ve voted for the SNP in the past (I’ve not voted for Independence yet), don’t be shocked, I’ve voted for every party except the Greens, and UKIP don’t count.

The SNP are rumoured to be re-branding to SIP (Scottish Independence Party perhaps?)  Logan Roy was brilliantly played by Brian Cox, a huge Independence supporter.  I think I remember him suggesting a change of name in his documentary “How the Other Half Live”.  His suggestion may have had a different reasoning to why it’s maybe happening now?  I got to cook for him once.  He wanted melanzane alla parmigiana.  20 minutes later, while I was a mess, it was beautiful, boiling hot and ready.  He was a genuinely kind and lovely man to look after, I don’t fancy serving Mr Roy. Logan definitely left a mess in Episode 4.  Sturgeon’s successor looks like he’s also got a mess to clear up. How long will it take?  I think six more episodes from tomorrow and we’ll definitely know what the end of one show looks like.

Keep smiling and keep camping, it could be more fun than you think


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