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The Scottish Cafe is a “Cafe” and can remain open

Some very good news

We don’t need a cabinet, we need a drinks trolley and a kitchen table. The government has advised on Wednesday that restaurants and pubs must close on Friday at 6pm (but not hotel restaurants for residents and not unlicensed cafes etc etc). Confused? We sure are!

So here we go again, until 26th October, Contini George Street is closed and our plans to open Cannonball have been delayed further. Some very good news, The Scottish Cafe is a “Cafe” and can remain open, (I know it’s tricky to get to and there is no parking but the team at TSC are here waiting to look after you).

In my dream world, I’ve set my kitchen table and all you lovely customers who inspire me each and every day with common sense and a practical approach to living with this virus and life in general are invited round. We’re inviting one honorary gentleman (Peter you know who you are). We are going to discuss and consider, contemplate and reflect then we’re going to share our thoughts. The rest of you gentlemen can prepare lunch with Victor and we’ll chat about our findings over a delicious meal, with wine of course. Once we’ve all contributed we’re going to decide what the best course of action will be. Then we’ll report back to Nicola and Boris and tell them to get on with it!

Who is advising the government? How can they misinterpret the law to start (what’s the difference between a restaurant and a cafe anyway)? How can they not see the devastating impact that these decisions will have on the economy and people’s futures? Can they not see that sectors of hospitality are part of the solution not part of the problem? How can they ask businesses to close, risking jobs, without financial support being in place first? And most sadly how can they not see that our community’s health and wellbeing is suffering adversely with their choices?

In order to solve a problem you need to find the source of the problem. Just because you visit a church doesn’t mean you’re a Catholic. My point; the whole of hospitality isn’t the cause and isn’t solely facilitating the spread of the virus. Part may be and these should be identified and if necessary be fined and closed. Will this blanket closure solve the problem? With rumours of further seasonal lockdowns I fear this is just the start of a never ending story.

What we can’t understand is why every business and venue isn’t asked to do Track and Trace. Or Test and Protect – our two governments can’t even agree on the same name. We use public transport; we wander around the shops touching every t-shirt on the rack; we head to the supermarket, picking up every avocado to check which is the ripest; we go to church (well Nonna does) and there is no requirement to document the movements of our communities. Only in hospitality venues are we legally required to provide the documented evidence so only here are you able to point the finger! I can’t honestly see this punishment for our sector solving the problem.

Cabinet – let’s be honest, who in their right mind would want to be a politician? Not for all the tea in China would I wish for their jobs. I know they have the whole of the community’s health and wellbeing in mind but somehow this last decision is out of proportion. Public sentiment, in general, is just not sitting well with this one.

Talk of the Eat Out to Help Out campaign being part of the issue makes government decisions even more questionable. The funds for the Eat Out to Dine Out campaign should have been directed straight towards the businesses in the hospitality sector. Given the money, linked to jobs, we could have slowly built our businesses back, held onto our team, which is the most important part, and allowed our businesses to find a sustainable recovery. What we have been given is a carrot and a baseball bat which will sadly break many solid businesses.

We need collective responsibility. We need individuals to act responsibility. House parties, lack of social distancing, poor hygiene practices and selfish behavior will never get us through this. Our students locked up in their halls is a conversation for another day.

I’m saving my tears for now. My emotions are on hold as I’m not sure how to articulate them any more. Our fear is we will get over this one but how many times will we be asked to repeat this circle of madness.

The government’s got 16 days, lets see what they can do with it. We’ve got Contini at Home back in 5th gear and Victor and Simone are kitted out and looking forward to delivering to you.


The Scottish Cafe hasn’t felt as happy for ages. It’s not being asked to close for the third time. It’s got stunning views, loads of space, additional ventilation, our resilient team and beautiful ingredients cooked with a lot of love waiting for you.


Thank you all. You keep us going!

Keep well and keep safe


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