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Success for The Scottish Cafe & Restaurant

Success for The Scottish Cafe & Restaurant | Contini

Another Award Success for The Scottish Cafe & Restaurant!

We are delighted to have won the top ‘Sustainable Business Award’ at the Catering in Scotland (CIS)Excellence Awards 2018.

The Sustainable Business Award, which was co-sponsored by Green Tourism andSeafood Scotland, celebrates businesses working within the Scottish catering,tourism or hospitality sectors, which have excelled in reducing theirenvironmental impact over the past 12 months.

A team of industry expert judges singled out The Scottish Cafe & Restaurant forthe top award based on its company-wide commitment to environmentalawareness, energy-efficiency, waste reduction and sustainable businesspractices.

Highly commended for strong commitment to sourcing Scottish, local, sustainably produced food anddrink, as well as a proactive waste-reduction strategy and training initiativesthat encourage and incentivise employees to consider implementingsustainability options and best practice.

Victor, Suzanne and Jennie accepting the award

Victor and I are yet again so proud of what our team have helped us achieve!

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