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Don’t get caught in the Tunnel


Good morning lovely people 


A lovely friend once told me of the Teenage Tunnel. Those few years of adolescence when the world feels turbulent and all is confused.  My children thankfully have all gone through this, some took longer than others, but we’re delighted with the results. 


I had a case of my own Terrace Tunnel last week,  the sun and Bruce Springsteen unexpectedly gave us our busiest day of the year on a Tuesday in May. We have never seen the street so busy.    It takes a lot to take us by surprise.  It felt more like a tsunami than sunbathing. Even me, as a triple teenager in years, caught me completely off guard and overwhelmed by our surroundings.  In most jobs you can take time out, breath and assess.  Working with the public can remove all those options. Sometimes I’d like an invisible cloak that allows you to get all the jobs done incognito.  I admire my team so much, particularly the senior team who are tasked with a hundred jobs at any time, that nobody else can see.   Trying to be calm and composed takes almost superhuman powers.  I’m far too human.  Another hidden skill of the hospitality worker. 


Trying to plan around the weather in Scotland adds a whole new dimension to running a business.  Sunshine shifts sometimes don’t have the attraction they once had.  Many would rather stay with the sun than work the shift.  Families in Italy are having the opposite challenge.  It’s been raining almost non stop for months.  Maybe this is the new norm, climate change?  Scotland has better weather than Italy? Thankfully our family didn’t end up in New York.  


Scottish strawberries came in quick in May this year.  On Monday, a few weeks later than normal, we’ll get our first of the new season soft fruits from Italy.  Peaches, cherries, apricots, and watermelons will be arriving in abundance.  It’s probably the most exciting time of the year for the kitchen team at George Street.  


This weekend will be full throttle sun glasses but we’re far more prepared.  Gumball 3000 is in Edinburgh.  George Street has been closed off yesterday and today, if you’re quick you can come along and see all the cars Victor, and many others, dream about.   Petrol guzzling beauties.  Rowan Atkinson has said he feels duped by the push to electric vehicles.  A car fanatic, he’s pro less cars that are owned for their life instead of a short term lease plan. (I’m not sure I know anyone that would say no to a vintage or even old Aston Martin).  He’s convinced this is a better option than the move to a supposed greener option.  The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) shares “high confidence” that EV’s are a better option than conventional vehicles. Another subject for us all to be confused about just like the move from Petrol to Diesel a few years ago.  That was a load of rhubarb we all had to swallow.    The new “Low Emission Zone” that came into place in Glasgow has created a lot of conflict, particularly for businesses and those with older vehicles (and perhaps lower carbon footprint) that haven’t been able to transition to the more expensive eco-friendly options.  It’s slightly ironic that Edinburgh Council will shortly be submitting its recommendations for an almost pedestrianised George Street as part of their plans for moving to a net zero city.  Gumball might need to park on Arthur Seat the next time they visit. 


With all best wishes and thanks



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