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Carina in print – Daily record

Carina in print - Daily record | Contini

Cherry and almond scones by Carina Contini for Daily Record – in print Monday 4th February

You will be slightly surprised by just how much butter are in our scones but that’swhat makes them so delicious. Homemade jam and a little cream makes them evenmore irresistible!
Makes 10 (approx.)

600g self-raising flour
125g caster sugar
200g cold butter
2 eggs
75g dried cherries
50g toasted flaked almond (plus extra for scattering on top of the scones)
150ml natural yoghurt

1. Put the flour in a large mixing bowl and add in the cubes of cold butter, workwith your fingers until you have breadcrumb texture.
2. Add the sugar and cherries and almonds. Mix in the eggs and yoghurt, thenturn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface.
3. Knead a couple of times just to bring together. Roll out into a rectangle 2cmdeep and cut out as many rounds as possible.
4. Brush with beaten egg, scatter with some untoasted almonds and bake forabout 10 mins at 180°C or until risen and golden.

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