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Carina in print – Daily record

Carina in print - Daily record | Contini

Easy Ghostly Halloween Cupcakes by Carina Contini in today’sDaily Record 29th October 2018

Serves 12

Basic cupcake recipe


2 free range eggs (weighed)
Same weight of caster sugar, soft unsalted butter, self-raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp of milk


1. Beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.

2. Slowly incorporate the floor and egg and finally add the baking powder and milk.

3. Transfer into 12 cupcake papers set in a muffin tray.

4. Bake at gas mark 4/ 350°C/180°C for about 15 – 20 minutes until golden. Allow to cool.

Chocolate Icing

300g icing sugar
100g soft unsalted butter
50g cocoa powder
40ml milk
12 marshmallows decorated with chocolate dots for eyes


1. Beat all the ingredients in a electric mixer for about 10 minutes until glossy.

2. Generously cover the cooled cupcakes with the chocolate icing.

3. Place one white marshmallow on top of the icing and decorate with chocolate eyes.

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